The Importance of E-Commerce Translation

The value of accurate and properly contextualised translation cannot be overstated. Companies in different industries are fully aware of that.

Accurate translations have been key to expanding operations for many corporations. E-commerce companies in particular need accurate translation because of the nature of their business.

After all, accessibility is a main selling point for e-commerce. Your goal should be to make buying and selling online easier for your partners and customers. Inaccurate translation will get in the way of that.

Translation is going to have a significant impact on the future of your e-commerce venture. If you have plans to expand your e-commerce offerings, you will have to continue using professional translation.

The reasons why e-commerce translation is so important are outlined below.

The Importance of E-Commerce Translation

Catering to Your Growing Market of Potential Customers

There are no limits to how far your e-commerce offerings can go. However, they can be blocked by certain barriers. Often, language barriers are the ones that get in the way.

Failing to capitalise on the vast marketplace that now exists online would be a real waste.

Your goal with your e-commerce website should be to attract as many interested shoppers as possible. They may be directed to your site by a product listing they found online or an affiliate link. However, they may click away the moment they notice that the storefront is in a language they’re unfamiliar with.

The last thing you want is for your e-commerce website to be a deterrent. Translate it and set it up according to location so local shoppers are encouraged to continue browsing if they stumble upon it.

Catering to Your Growing Market of Potential Customers

Adjusting to the Growing Diversity of Your Current Market

A common mistake that companies make is believing that translation services are needed only if you plan to expand. As long as you stay in your home market, you don’t need to rock the boat too much. Or at least that’s the idea.

That’s a mistake because it fails to recognise the changing demographics of existing markets. What you may not realise right away is that the customer base within your own market is already changing.

In markets like Singapore or the Philippines for example, more shoppers are migrating online. Many shoppers in those countries are multi-lingual. You need to calibrate your storefront accordingly to accommodate them.

Other countries like Vietnam or South Korea aren’t as diverse linguistically. The digital storefront you present to them must be cognisant of that fact as well. Don’t miss out on those new customers because you failed to properly translate your e-commerce website.

Potential customers may have entered your current market and your e-commerce storefront may not be suited to serve them. Present them with a properly translated storefront so they can engage with your business.

You can earn yourself a new group of loyal customers by investing in some translation services.

Adjusting to the Growing Diversity of Your Current Market

Improving Customer Service

Consumers tend to look for red flags before deciding to support any particular business. More people are cognisant of their spending and they want to work with only the best companies.

From the perspective of a consumer, there are certain red flags a company might show that are impossible to ignore. Poor customer service is one of those red flags.

If a company doesn’t care enough to offer decent customer service, can you really count on them to deliver quality goods?

The customer service tab on your e-commerce website must be suited to the market it’s serving. It should be presented in the dominant language if you’re serving a market that doesn’t feature a lot of linguistic diversity. For multi-lingual markets, you can adjust the customer service tab so that shoppers have more options.

When you translate your e-commerce storefront, don’t forget about the customer service tab. Make sure that all of your customers can have their concerns and questions addressed with the help of a translation service.

Customer Service

Creating Detailed and Appropriate Product Descriptions

Shoppers rely on product descriptions to make decisions on their purchases. They look at the materials used, the sizes available, and numerous other product characteristics.

The onus is on you as the owner of the e-commerce website to ensure that your target customers can understand the product descriptions set in front of them. Try to capture the essence of the original text so new customers are able to grasp the appeal of the product you’re selling.

Pay close attention to the text as well because you want to ensure that the translated descriptions are culturally appropriate. You don’t want something to get lost in translation and potentially offend your new customer base in the process.

Don’t forget about converting measurements as well. If you’re selling articles of clothing originally manufactured in the United States, converting their measurements will likely be necessary. Make it as easy as possible for your customers to learn about your product offerings with the help of professional translation.

Detailed and Appropriate Product Descriptions

Optimising Your New E-Commerce Storefront for Your New Market

Using a search engine is second nature to many of us by now. We are well aware of which terms to use in order to find the results we want.

Search engine optimisation is not always concerned about being technically correct. Sometimes, the terms that yield the best results are the ones that we intuitively use. The grammar is a secondary consideration if it is even that.

Note that search engine optimisation works that way not just in English-speaking countries. Shoppers in markets you may not know very well also use intuitive search terms often.

In order to make your new e-commerce site as successful as possible, you need to get it optimised properly. Translators who know how consumers in certain markets look up items online are the ones who can help you the most. Make sure you get in touch with them.

New Market

Finding professional translators who are familiar with different cultures can be tough if you don’t know where to look. We at elionetwork employ those highly skilled and knowledgeable translators so you don’t have to continue searching for them.

Our linguists and translators come from different backgrounds and they are spread out through all five continents. Diversity is the strength of our linguists and translators and they will wield it to the benefit of your e-commerce business. Never worry about an incorrectly translated entry again after working with elionetwork.

Reach out to us today to learn more about our services and inquire about your free quote and trial!