Localising E-Learning Programs For Staff Training

Knowledgeable employees constitute the greatest asset of any company and making the right investments in staff training will certainly pay off. In the past, businesses with only one, or a handful of locations could easily provide staff training with personal, on-the-spot classes. Now, however, larger international businesses with several locations rely heavily on e-learning. To most multinational companies, e-learning resources in merely one language can rarelybe sufficient. E-learning localisation services are the right solution for such enterprises to translate and adjust content to ensure clear communication with all employees, no matter where they are.

In this blog entry, we will look at some general aspects of e-learning localisation and explore how it can help businesses achieve and exceed their objectives.

Though e-learning programs for staff can cover all sorts of topics, it is generally possible to classifythem into two types: initial training and ongoing training.

Localising E-Learning Programs For Staff Training

Initial training – Laying foundations for a smooth start

Whenever employees start in a new role, they naturally have countless questions and need to familiarize themselves with lots and lots of information quickly to be able to execute their duties reliably and professionally. That is why many companies complement personal training with e-learning courses, which might cover topics such as:

– General introduction of the company

– Illustration of internal units and operational processes

– Industry-specific data, insights and terminology

– Presentation of industry norms, legal issues

– etc.


Ongoing training – Staying up to date to ensure success

“The only constant is change” – this quote, attributed to Greek philosopher Heraclitus (535 BC – 475 BC), perfectly describes a major challenge that businesses now, roughly 2500 years later, still need to address on a daily basis. Arguably the best way to cope with changes and prepare for them is learning. That is why successful businesses have for decades provided face-to-face and on the spot staff training to ensure their employees stay up to date. With the rise of technological inventions, this traditional form of training has been supplemented – and to a large extent even replaced by –e-learning. Such programs can, for example, provide:

– Updates on norms, regulations, compliancematters and best practices

– Presentation of new products / services of the company

– Briefings on changes in internal administrative or technological processes (such as introduction of new payment channels, internal communication systems, etc.)

– Courses for staff, who are pursuing senior positions in the company

– Regular industry-specific updates

– Periodic presentations on set targets, achieved results, upcoming challenges, etc.

Benefits of localising e-learning content for staff

No matter if organisations localise initial or ongoing training programs, they can always expect benefits, including the following:

– Supplying e-learning content in different languages ensures that training participants will fully understand the message.

– Even if content is made available in different languages, enterprises can administer and, if necessary, update content centrally from one single location, which streamlines processes and saves time.

– Cost and time efficiency: In-person training at international locations means that instructors will need to travel to various locations, which means costs for their travels and working hours; with multilingual e-learning for staff, however, there will not be any such costs, no matter how often training is repeated.


At elionetwork, we understand the importance and potential of e-learning content localisation for staff training. We provide tailor-made solutions to our clients. We are not only capable of translating your e-learning content into 55 languages but can also provide a wide spectrum of related services, such as DTP, video subtitling, software engineering, etc. This means that we can also provide localisation services for multimedia programs (including quizzes, video clips, interactive features, etc.) that will really engage your employees. Please contact our friendly team now to see how we can assist you with your needs!