5 Easy Steps: Localising Your Social Media Campaign

The dawn of social media has transformed the marketing landscape! Indeed, many businesses find that social media is a useful platform through which they can reach new markets. As different countries have different cultures, it is imperative that businesses looking to expand internationally deploy localisation measures in their social media campaigns.

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From planning for a page to transcreating your social media messages, here are 5 easy steps youcan take to tailor your social media campaign for an international audience.

Step 1: Create localised pages

On social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, businesses have the option to create multiple pages to serve different regions. This ensures that the right promotion reachesits target audience. For example, search for McDonald’s on Facebook and you’ll find results for several outlets in different regions. This allows McDonald’s to advertise seasonal menu items such as the Prosperity Burger onits pages for the Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong markets. However, these Lunar New Year-inspired menu items will not appeal to markets in the West.

If managing multiple Facebook pages seems daunting, consider using “Global Pages”. Launched in 2012, “Global Pages” allow international brands to manage a fan page with localised experiences for visitors from different countries. While global pages may have the same number of likes or community discussions, users would see different profile images, cover photos or posts, depending on the country they are from.In addition, when advertising in China, forget about Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube as these websites are banned. Instead, switch to WeChat, QQ, Weibo, or Douyin (TikTok).


Step 2: Build a fan base

Though every “like” on your social media page does not necessarily convert into a sale, there is a chance that your advertisements or posts will show up on the user’s news feed. This, in turn, increases the exposure of your brand. You can start building a local fan base by hosting simple contests, or releasing ads or content that encourages interaction and sharing. In addition, you may wish to include hashtags with local terms or slang in your posts. However, always check that your chosen hashtag is not a satirical slogan that would create any kind of backlash for your brand.

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Step 3: Plan an editorial calendar

Each country has a unique culture and its own festivities, climates, and even consumer behaviour. It is important that your social media campaign combines both national and local messaging.This includes having new ideas and topics for each target market and a well-planned editorial calendar. Holidays are perfect occasions for posting special advertisements or content – find out what are the right colours and messages that would capture the hearts of locals.


Step 4: Transcreate your campaign messages

The biggest brands in the world, such as McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, and Samsung, localise their advertising campaigns for overseas markets. Localisation can be a strong factor in driving sales. However, if not done tastefully, it can hinder an international brand in its infancy. For instance, in the 1980s, KFC infamously translated its popular slogan “finger-lickin’ good” into “eat your fingers off” when it opened a store in China! While the blunder did not affect KFC’s standing in China afterwards, other businesses may not be so lucky.

When it comes to delivering your campaign messages or advertisements in a new market, seek a professional transcreator’s help instead of relying on literal translation. Transcreation isn’t just word-for-word translation – it transforms messages to hit all the right notes in the intended language. For example,if your social media posts are designed to induce positivity in one language, ensure that your translated messages are not offensive in other languages!


Step 5: Analyse engagement

Today, Facebook pages allow fans to directly communicate with the brand. In order to ascertain the effectiveness of your social media campaign, ensure that customer comments are assessed and responded to in a timely fashion. You can also create a robust workflow where issues can be quickly re-directed to the appropriate department.

To maximise reach, identify the most engaging posts for a particular market,and share the results and social media strategy with your brand’s social media planners in other markets. Facebook pages are equipped with analytical tools that you can access to review your posts’ reach and engagement. You can also supplement this with external analytical tools such as Keyhole or Brand 24 that provide similar functions as well.

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Have a social media campaign to localise? At elionetwork, we help marketers create the greatest punch in their target language. Whether you are looking for tips or transcreation expertise, chat with us to get started today.